When we started AndShesDopeToo in 2015, the term "Ambassador" wasn't commonly heard on social media. Today, it often refers to someone who receives free apparel or discounts on goods. However, at ASDT, our Ambassadors are so much more than an Instagram account with a large following. Each one of these women is part of the ASDT family and represents what our mission truly stands for.

When selecting our Ambassadors, we look for someone who is relatable to all women, puts others first, and strives to include everyone at our ASDT events. Our Ambassador team is diverse in age, career, ethnicity, political views, religion, and interests. What unites us is our commitment to respect and kindness. We are grateful for this team, which consists of past participants, community members, and volunteers who share our ASDT mission.

We encourage you to read their bios and learn about the incredible Ambassadors in our ASDT family.

Amanda King

Amanda grew up in an army family, living in several states and Germany. From a young age her parents taught her an appreciation of nature, bringing her on 10 km "Volksmarches" through the German forests early on Saturday mornings. Amanda was always drawn to the mountains and developed a love of all things outdoors. She followed in her father's footsteps and joined the army right after college, but eventually returned home to Ogden, Utah and the Wasatch. She is now working as a paramedic with Ogden Fire and found her passion in emergency medicine. She's an avid skier, climber, hiker, and backpacker. Since she's been back, she's taken every opportunity explore. Thanks to a chance encounter at the Ogden Farmer's Market, she found ASDT. In doing so, she found her tribe.  

Amy David

Amy grew up in rural Pinedale, Wyoming, in the foothills of the Wind River Range where her passion for outdoor adventure was innate. Skiing has fueled her wild-west thirst for adrenaline and passion for mother nature. In 2009, Amy won the title Miss Wyoming Teen USA and placed in the top 15 at Miss Teen USA. She’s been skiing for 23 years and skied in several international commercials, won state championships racing, and stomped her first backflip in 8th grade. Amy graduated from Westminster College in Salt Lake City, UT where she studied Psychology of Communication and Outdoor Education while working as a trip leader for the Outdoor Recreation Program. Amy formerly worked in public relations at Mountain Sports International (MSI) with the Subaru Freeride Series (Freeskiing World Tour) and is a professional talent as an on-camera personality, athlete and model; combining her aspirations in the outdoor and entertainment industries. She also has published science research about glacial recession and brain injuries during ski jumping, which she’s presented at international conferences.

"Life on Earth is absolutely incredible, and my goals in life are to have as much fun as possible with good people in beautiful environments. We have to take action to make our lives all that we dream of. ASDT is a perfect example of this. A company with genuine people working to do good in our communities."

Ashlee Hyden

Ashlee aka Smash, Ging, Double “ee”, is lucky to have been born in the amazing Ogden, Utah and absolutely loves it. After college in Ogden, she jumped into a summer position in Yellowstone National Park. It changed her life in the 3 years she lived there. The park allowed her the freedom to explore many ecosystems, see wildlife, and learn who she wanted to be with never ending possibilities. She loved meeting people from all over the world. She found new loves for hiking, trail running, and backpacking; and did as much as she could in her off time. When she moved back to Utah, she realized it took her leaving Utah to really appreciate what the state offers outdoors.

For a long time, she struggled with self-identity and unhealthy weight but has been on a journey for the past two years to get back to the person she wants to be. The outdoors became a revitalized positive therapy, which allows her the time to explore and challenge herself, while creating amazing new adventures and getting results. She says how ASDT came along right at a time where she needed it the most. She found home with women who are strong and supportive, yet vulnerable and imperfect. “I found AndShesDopeToo, but truly ASDT was the one that found and saved me. So to that, I say thank you!"

Ashley Meeks

Ashley grew up as an outdoorsy kid in Tennessee, catching bugs, building forts, and camping in the woods behind her house. She went through many phases in life, but she always returned to nature for solace. Her first trip out west wasn't until she was 21, but she immediately knew it is where she belonged. She moved to Colorado just 3 short months after that trip, and that is where her love for the outdoors grew even more. She spent her time obsessively climbing outdoors, learning to ski, and slacklining. She was captivated by big mountains and all of the fun and exciting things that came along with living near them.

A few years later, Ashley moved to Utah with her boyfriend and they welcomed their daughter into the world. Ashley was determined to continue to do the things she loved, despite having a new baby. Through much inspiration from the ASDT community and her desire to make new friends, she decided to create a local outdoor hiking club for moms and children, called Wasatch Little Explorers Club. Ashley continually enjoys being a part of the outdoor community here in Northern Utah by being involved with ASDT, running her hiking club, and soaking up the mountains with her daughter, in their very own backyard.

Blake Cason

Blake is a smile-out-loud kind of lady. Full of passion and joy for life, she lives with openness. Blake has been teaching and coaching for over 12 years now in many capacities. From sexual health communication to meditation to intuitive eating, none of the topics she addresses could be called "easy." Her private practice, Pivot Wellness, is so incredible because it connects people who are taking an honest look at their lives, habits, behaviors.... and honesty is hard! Blake knows about hard things; rock climbing is a driving passion in her life and business, and has become a powerful metaphor for her own growth and life-loving. To Blake, the most important thing about coaching and speaking is helping people help
themselves. She meets her students and clients where they are and supports their path toward where they want to take their one precious life.

Blake does this successfully based on her years in health and wellness, advanced training and education, and her personal experiences as a human learning and growing.

Cameron Egan

Cameron was born and raised in Ogden, Utah and got to grow up wild in the mountains. She's a senior at Weber State University where she's the President of Pi Phi Alpha Sorority, a member of the Weber State Snowboarding and Skiing club and a Wildcat at heart. She loves skiing, hiking, paddle boarding and camping. She is passionate about the outdoors and the wonderful Utah wilderness. She found ASDT at the young age of 18 and has aspired to be a Wild Woman ever since. She's so lucky to have found an organization with women that she can look up to with her whole heart.

Charlotte Evans

Charlotte feels so lucky to have been born, raised and to live in her precious Eden, Utah, where playing in the dirt and running around wild are made a bit easier. She has the most loving, rad family and the coolest and kindest circle of friends a girl could ask for.

Yoga is one of her main flames! The reason she continues to get on her mat is because yoga opens her. It opens all the things that she's stitched together, that are rigid and stagnant in her, both on a physical and emotional level. So much of this crazy, amazing life tries to shut down what wants to be free flowing and spacious. There are only a few things for her that do a killer job at counteracting that, and yoga is one of those things. So, she keeps practicing to continue the opening.

Jamie Burnham

Jamie is 42 years old and a new Ambassador as of summer 2019. She was introduced to AndShesDopeToo by Jacquie King, and immediately her cup runneth over. She found her tribe! She currently works as a sales rep for a local brewery called Kiitos. She was born in Utah, but lived both there and San Diego, CA.

She's definitely up for almost any adventure. She loves spending time in the outdoors, doing the activities she enjoys, and sharing her love of the outdoors with all of you!

Jacquie King

Jacquie was fortunate enough to travel across the US and Europe when she was younger, but always felt the call of the mountains. She moved to Ogden, Utah 11 years ago and has loved every second of it.

A desert rat through and through, she's happiest on a river in the middle of a desert canyon. She loves trail running, river rafting, canyoneering, and hiking; and is always down for a summit beer. She'd much rather be out in the desert than anywhere else in the world.

Jacquie has learned that life is too short to do anything other than what you love. She is able to balance her love of the outdoors with her love of her job: brewing beer. She was fortunate enough to find ASDT, and with it, a platform to share her love of the outdoors and meet amazing women along the way.

Jessie Roberts

This apple doesn't fall far from the tree of parents who love the outdoors. Growing up hiking, backpacking, camping, and riding her bike as her mom ran, she came to see how much growth, learning, perspective, peace, and renewal comes from being outdoors. Now she squeezes in as much time outdoors as possible, while trying to balance work and the messy house and loads of laundry that come with two little ones, but wouldn't have it any other way. She will do just about anything and everything that gets her outdoors, but her loves are "hiking" with her babies, running, mountain biking, wakeboarding, snowboarding, indoor soccer, and traveling.

Jessie is Wilderness First Aid certified, is the Evening Director and a hike and trail run leader at Rendezvous 2.0, but you may find her reading or mountain biking in her downtime. She feels incredibly blessed to be a part of the most supportive and uplifting community which ASDT provides.

Joy Patten

Joy started mountain biking in 1995 in the glorious California coastal region of San Luis Obispo, where they have some of the best riding on Earth. She started racing cross country in 1999 for Cal Poly Wheelmen. Joy enjoyed the hard work and satisfaction of cross country riding for many years. The fun of riding up the hill was knowing that the sweetest single track was waiting at the top.  

After a while her bike handling skills improved and the descents became a roller coaster ride. Instead of fear she was inspired by challenging terrain. The adrenaline just took over. She gained self confidence knowing there was a gnarly trail out there that she could conquer. The self confidence Joy gained transferred to her everyday life. The confidence helped her realize she could do what she put her mind to.  

Joy started racing downhill in 2005 and has found that to be her calling. The techniques she learned riding cross country for so many years is what made her a solid downhill biker. She took a two-year break from racing to have her son and get him through his first year. In November 2007 Joy started racing again at the expert level. She moved up to PRO in the winter of 2009. Over the years, she has developed many more skills to pass on. Joy is PMBIA Level 1 certified and First Aid certified.

Maria Vasquez

Maria was born and raised in a small town in Zacatecas, Mexico until the age of fifteen. Her first American home was ten minutes away from the Grand Canyon National Park, in a remote town called Tusayan. She felt very fortunate to be able to live where she did as not very many people have the privilege to see one of the seven wonders of the world everyday on their way to school. A year and a half later, the whole family moved to Utah for a better life.

She has a love-hate relationship with running because she hasn't been able to run the way she wants due to knee and back injuries. She feels like she has to compensate somehow for not being able to run, so she chooses harder hikes and is always up for a challenge. She likes trying new things and having the uncomfortable feeling of almost wanting to give up, because once you get used to that you look back and see how far you've come. That's why she's taken up new hobbies like rock climbing, salsa and Folkloric dancing, and working on her Zumba certification. The scary feeling that emerges from her stomach and runs through her whole body is what keeps her going- it's what makes her feel alive.

Natali Zollinger

Natali Zollinger is from Moab, Utah and a desert girl at heart. She's built the perfect surf-and-turf lifestyle as a raft guide, professional stand up paddle boarder, RVR 2 RVR Instructor, fitness trainer, and onewheeler extraordinaire. You can find Natali traveling around the country in her upriver van, training, teaching and chasing her next adventure. Visit her website for more details and to sign up for her Pretreat Workout Video Series.

Shawnee Sawyer

Shawnee Loris Sawyer has a Bachelors degree in Adventure Recreation and Leadership and believes strongly that one should play where they work. She has been teaching Environmental Education and has been working as a naturalist in a variety of locations. As a Utah Master Naturalist, she enjoys teaching people about the diverse eco-systems in the state. She has taught alpine skiing for over 20 years and is a certified Professional Ski Instructor and has taught skiing at 3 of the major resorts in the Wasatch Mountains. She is passionate about getting women and girls into the outdoors and finding strength within themselves by understanding the connecting power of the ultimate teacher, Mother Nature.

In her earlier life, she participated in more extreme outdoor exploration, such as ice and rock climbing, but due to changes in personal life and physical limitation, she has found ways to continue her passions by nature journal writing, birding, ski coaching, story telling, and teaching her two young sons, aka the #renegadescouts.

She has enjoyed continuing her education by taking courses in environmental topics, ski coaching, and has recently become re-certified in Wilderness First Aid and as a Red Cross Lifeguard.

Her favorite quote: “Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts. There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature -- the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter.”
― Rachel Carson, Silent Spring

Tiffani Johnson

Her passion for the outdoors gives her a greater appreciation for the place she calls home. She feels extremely grateful to be born and raised in Utah. She has always loved the outdoors. Her best memories as a kid are being covered in dirt, fishing with her dad, and camping with her family. She spends most of her time traveling, climbing, fly fishing, hiking and camping with her family.

She feels so blessed to be a part of a community that brings women together who share a passion for the outdoors and an inspiration for life. Her mission is to live boldly, share her story, grow from her experiences, appreciate every passing moment, learn from others, and to live a beautiful life flooded with LOVE.